Monday, February 23, 2009

What's Love got to do with it?

Bible Discussion series for February & March:

What's Love got to do with it? A series of discussions on the different types of love presented in the Bible: Agape, Philia, Storge, & Eros.

February 20th-Agape Love is unconditional.
February 27th-Philia Love is a strong bond existing between people who share a common interest or activity.
March 6th-Eros is love in the sense of 'being in love.' Film Viewing & Discussion.
March 13th-Storge is fondness through familiarity, especially between family members or people who have otherwise found themselves together by chance.

***All definitions taken from Wikipedia.


Location & Time: Hunter College, Hunter West Building, Room 205 @ 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Come decorate a yummy cupcake!

Wednesday, February 18th
Hunter College Thomas Hunter, Room 105
1 p.m.-3 p.m.

We will have all sorts of nutritious & health conscious toppings.

-Fruits: Strawberries, Blueberries, Bananas, & etc.
-And more!
***Send us a message if you have any other topping ideas!

Other yummy refreshments will be served.
Both vegetarian & vegan options.

Free Event. Anyone & Everyone is welcome.

Presented by the Adventist Christian Fellowship

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Members Meeting...

ooh la la!

We have a members meeting next Wednesday during deans hour. Please come out! Refreshments will be served. Please walk with your ideas & suggestions for the semester. Also, please bring your Hunter I.D. Only Hunter students are permitted in the Student Resource Center.Time: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Location: SRC Lounge. Room 202, Thomas Hunter Building (Walk past the computer labs to the last room on the left) .

Same Time, Different Place

Let's pray together!

We are inviting YOU to join us in praying individually for the club at the same time everyday. From Monday, February 2nd to Sunday, February 8th at 12 p.m. We are praying that the club runs God-directed throughout the semester.